Farmington -- With the snows long gone, or mostly gone, or at least, on their way out, it is time to welcome spring in grand style with food, drink, and laughter. Western Maine improv troupe, Teachers Lounge Mafia, returns with another exclusive evening of improvisational comedy dinner theater, Friday, April 30th at The Granary on Front Street in Farmington.
The Teachers Lounge Mafia’s signature comedic performance, “Three Course Meal,” features a trio of scenes or vignettes occurring inside a restaurant’s dining room. Every scene is improvised, built from the suggestions of the audience. As the stories play out, audience members find themselves in the middle of the action, maybe even becoming part of the event itself. Following a brief intermission, Teachers Lounge Mafia will offer a nightcap set of crowd participation improv games designed to get willing participants a chance to flex their comic chops.
Teachers Lounge Mafia performs throughout western Maine and parts beyond, delivering their original brand of improvisation and sketch comedy. Most recently, they brought laughter to a hospital benefit in New Hampshire and a Haitian relief effort at Mt. Blue High School, Serious Fun. Last August they delivered their first dinner theater at The Granary to a tremendous audience. On April 30th, the good times should keep on being good with the help of The Granary and a legion of fandom second-to-none.
This special evening of improv dinner theater runs for one night only, Friday, April 30th, at The Granary on Front St. in Farmington. Doors open and dinner seating begins at 6:15 p.m. Admission is $5, food and drink not included. Seating is limited. Advance tickets available in person at The Granary or by calling (207) 578-0357. Please call at least two hours prior to showtime. The show contains mature content. For more information, contact Teachers Lounge Mafia at teachersloungemafiaimprov@gmail.com, call (207) 578-0357, or look for the group on Facebook and Blogger.